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European Court upholds AdC’s decision in Banking Cartel Case

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the "Banking Cartel”; case was published today, July 29 2024, confirming the position of the Portuguese Competition Authority (AdC) and rejecting the banks’ arguments.

Banking Cartel

Ius submitted on January 18, 2024, at the Portuguese Competition Court, five popular actions aimed at demanding that 12 banks acting in Portugal compensate consumers for the damages caused by a cartel in violation of EU competition law, already declared by the Portuguese Competition Authority. The “banking cartel” involved a continuous exchange of sensitive information regarding prices and other commercial conditions of mortgages, consumer and SME(s) credit, for 11 years, from 2002 to 2013 (the relevant period). 

The Competition Court has preliminarily accepted all five actions filed by Ius and has ordered the Defendants to be served and the consumers to be notified.

Ius Omnibus President Delivers Keynote Speech on Collective Actions at Thought4Leaders Event

During last week Maria José Azar-Baud, represented Ius Omnibus and delivered a keynote speech on collective actions at the Thought4Leaders event. This gathering of forward-thinking leaders and innovators provided an ideal platform for Ius Omnibus to discuss the vital role of collective actions in contemporary legal systems.

Telecommunications Cartel

On October 30-31, 2023, Ius Omnibus filed before the Portuguese Competition Court – Competition, Regulation, and Supervision Court of Santarém (TCRS) – two popular actions that aims to defend consumers living in Portugal who have been harmed by MEO and Nowo’s anti-competitive practices, identified by the Portuguese Competition Authority in in its decision of December 2, 2020, and already confirmed by the Lisbon Court of Appeal of February 20, 2023.

Ius Omnibus
Sony (PlayStation)

Sony has created a system around the PlayStation that places it in a position of total control which it leverages to its advantage and to annihilate competition. Ius Omnibus has just filed a consumer class action in Portugal aimed at putting an end to these practices and claiming compensation for Portuguese gamers. A similar class action in the UK is asking Sony to pay £5 billion in damages.

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About Us

Ius Omnibus is a non-profit association, created in March 2020, with the purpose of defending European Union consumers.

We are based and registered in Portugal and we have members from several EU countries.

We intend to progressively extend our range of activities to all Member States of the European Union, benefiting from new EU rules on the cross-border protection of consumer rights.

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Avenida 24 de Julho - Second Home Lisboa
Mercado da Ribeira, 1200-479 Lisbon

+351 910 977 799

At Ius Omnibus, we favor non-face-to-face service and we are available for any question, by phone or email.

Due to the pandemic COVID-19 and following the recommendations of the DGS, if there is a need for face-to-face assistance, the same will be done by prior appointment